So last Thursday I finally took my first Zumba lesson in Belgium. Taken over a year but I finally did it yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
I did enjoy it. However it was hard after not really doing it in so long and a figured that these people were more advanced than when i started or it sure felt like it. I thought the teacher was nice and she showed the moves before each dance and then put them together as the music went on. However I am not sure I will be attending another Zumba lesson. The problem is that they only seem to have Zumba lessons in Gyms and therefore you have to pay for a gym membership and they are sooo pricey. I wish they did them in community centres etc and you just payed a few euro's each session.
Well this weekend I went to visit Alice and after a hour of driving around in circles I finally arrived with some tasty treats from Pauls bakery.
So the white things with the red balls on top that now look like boobies to me lol. These were white chocate moose's with a jam filling. So good but maybe a little sickly. The other things are a koffekoeken. Basically a coffee pastry called a mirror. (Apparently). I got these because we have a soft stop for the puddingy stuff in the middle. Basically its cold custard lol. Although I have to say I think the choco moose was my fave lol. I must say I love this bakers and will likely try and work my way through the menu in the coming months.
Another thing I did this weekend is try a second Sushi place in Gent called Tyoko Sushi. I didn't take no pictures sadly. So really I have very little to say about it it was a pretty good price cost us 20 euros each and we will def be back there. (Then I can remember to take pictures lol hopefully )
I did enjoy it. However it was hard after not really doing it in so long and a figured that these people were more advanced than when i started or it sure felt like it. I thought the teacher was nice and she showed the moves before each dance and then put them together as the music went on. However I am not sure I will be attending another Zumba lesson. The problem is that they only seem to have Zumba lessons in Gyms and therefore you have to pay for a gym membership and they are sooo pricey. I wish they did them in community centres etc and you just payed a few euro's each session.
Well this weekend I went to visit Alice and after a hour of driving around in circles I finally arrived with some tasty treats from Pauls bakery.
So the white things with the red balls on top that now look like boobies to me lol. These were white chocate moose's with a jam filling. So good but maybe a little sickly. The other things are a koffekoeken. Basically a coffee pastry called a mirror. (Apparently). I got these because we have a soft stop for the puddingy stuff in the middle. Basically its cold custard lol. Although I have to say I think the choco moose was my fave lol. I must say I love this bakers and will likely try and work my way through the menu in the coming months.
Another thing I did this weekend is try a second Sushi place in Gent called Tyoko Sushi. I didn't take no pictures sadly. So really I have very little to say about it it was a pretty good price cost us 20 euros each and we will def be back there. (Then I can remember to take pictures lol hopefully )